Featured Products

Paperback Novel


Queen of the Stars “Super Mario Galaxy”
Art Print


Plumbob “Sims” Floral Craft Box


The Patreon Theme of the Month for March is Princesses!

Every month my patrons pick a theme of the month, which everyone benefits from!

All month long, everything relating to the chosen theme in the shop is marked down 20%! New products corresponding to the theme will also be released and potentially new blogs as well!

Want to help pick out our monthly themes? Join my Patreon by clicking the link below and receive rewards every month! Sign up for one month or the whole year, any support is appreciated!

Meet Ariaera

Elven Ariaera, also known as Stephanie E. Cusumano, is an artist, writer, and all-around crafter who loves to bring her geeky interests and original stories to life. As a small business entrepreneur, she started an Etsy store in 2015 as a means to make money during college and began selling at local conventions on Long Island. Life has been shaken up by the world, but after a move to Florida and finally finishing her first self-published book, she has been working tirelessly to continue to create and sell in hopes that this passion may one day be her full-time job.